Maya Shafton at
George Washington!
We asked some of our former students to report back about their college experience so far. Maya is our highlight for February! Here's what she has to say about her campus.
What do you like about George Washington University?
"I love the balance of independence and community at college. I'm able to take care of things and be productive on my own, while also enjoying time with friends either in the dorm, getting coffee, whatever it may be. I also feel everyone is so engaged in the environment here, which is super inspiring and allows me to build genuine connections."
What are you majoring in?
"I'm majoring in human services and social justice, and double minoring in public policy & applied ethics. So far I've joined the women's pre law student association, GW dance marathon, and balance (a dance organization). There are so many ways to get involved and find outlets for all your passions on campus."
Fun fact you’ve learned about GW?
GW Deli is awesome, but you have to go at obscure times so you're not waiting in line for an hour.
What did UniVarsity Help You With?
"UniVarsity helped me by listening to my criteria for where I wanted to go to college, and finding the right places that fit what I wanted but also would provide opportunities that I hadn't even thought of! Karen was a savior when it came to my essays. She helped me make my writing specific and clear, and convey my own voice through the countless essays I had to write."
What is something that surprised you
about GW?
"Something that I learned in the first few weeks of college is that everyone, literally everyone, is new here. Everyone moved away from home and is looking for new friends, you don't need to be so scared bc everyone is on the same page. It's also ok to be intimidated by such a new environment, but don't let that stop you from fully immersing yourself in your new surroundings."
What are you doing on the weekends?
"Being in downtown DC, it is SO easy to go out and do fun things. I go to the monuments at least once a week. My friends and I go to new museums, restaurants, and shows all the time. I've also gone to Georgetown, old town Alexandria, and pentagon city. There's so much to explore here.